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charge more money


Hey since I had a trip from March 3-4 so I bought extra bundle on march 2rd but i still receive the cost as no 1000mb, i used them on 3rd and 4th as the receipt show. It's a bit more than 1000MB, however I think I shouldn't have the 20 euros of Internet on March 4th, it should be still in the extra range 

Beste antwoord door Alexandra

Hai @lth1010

To answer this question, we need some personal information. Can you contact our customer service?

Kind regards, Alexandra

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4 reacties

  • Ervaren helper
  • 249 reacties
  • Antwoord
  • 10 maart 2020

Hai @lth1010

To answer this question, we need some personal information. Can you contact our customer service?

Kind regards, Alexandra

Why do i have to pay extra? Some months are 10€ and the other months it just shoot up to 49€ or 19€ why

If this continues i will just remove my sim and start to use my other number and let me see if you will be changing me extra while am not using the internet? I dont mind to be paying the 10€ till my contract finished 

  • Ervaren helper
  • 249 reacties
  • 7 april 2020

Hi @Charles010kelsyl!

We’re not charging you for internet that isn’t used. I cannot see your invoiceses, but it’s possible that you’re using data outside of your bundle. We charge an extra fee for that, you can find the costs here. We came up with several solutions for you to avoid these costs. You can install a so called ‘Plafond’ (limit) on your My Simple page. When your limit is reached, your internet usage will be stopped so that there won’t be any costs. You can then order a ‘MB-aanvuller’ (extra bundle for internet) to use extra internet. We also send you a text message when you’v reached 80% and 100% of your bundle. When you’ve reached 100% or 80% you can stop using internet, or order a ‘MB-aanvuller’. 

Good luck! 

Ciao, Alexandra


