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I-need-help with retrieving my phone number from Simpel

  • 22 oktober 2019
  • 2 reacties
  • 418 Bekeken



Please forward this ticket to the general manager of company Simpel and the owner of the company Simpel, If you don’t transmit this customer ticket to the G.M & owner of the company Simpel, you will be responsible for all the consequences.

Dear G.M or Owner,

Your company terminated my contract with you and deactivate my mobile number “06” without warning and without right because I pay my bills monthly regularly and without delay.

(I have proof).

After many attempts with you and through social networking sites they advised me to try again in writing and not over the phone.

 I contacted your customer service and asked them to reactivate my mobile phone line.

Effectively I received an answer from Sebnem (referentie AXXXXXX) saying that they ended the contract because I didn't pay some bills and my number can no longer be used. but that's a lie.

The fact that they ended my contract with them after arguing with them I told them, - and I was very disturbed -  that they are “the worst company I have known” because  a customer service staff told me per telephone that they wouldn't reactivate my mobile phone line and they also didn’t give me my phone number back and i had to forget it “she was an honest person”.

I sent a new request asked them to reactivate my mobile phone line and I received an answer from Mike (referentie AXXXXXX) he said I have the possibility to order a new subscription at a different provider and simple will transfer my mobile number. I placed an order by the company hollandsnieuwe and I used the option of number porting but wasn’t possible.

I sent a request to transfer my Mobile phone number from your company to the new company “hollandsnieuwe” via your customer service, of course it was not the first time and I think it will not be the last time.

I contacted the new company and gave them my customer number "CXXXXXXXX"

They contacted you, your system or you rejected the application the reason is that the customer number is unknown to you.

I wrote again to your customer service and I got a reply that I must call “afdeling nummerbehoud” under number 070XXXXXXX.

I called the number (070XXXXXXX) and a lady answered me, she said to me that the system rejected the request, arguing that the company “hollandsnieuwe” had forgotten to write the letter "C" before my customer number "CXXXXXXXX" and that was illogical.

I shared this argument with the company hollandsnieuwe and I asked them to tray again.

They trayed and sent to me the answer in parentheses

here I am quoting : (( Je aanvraag voor nummerbehoud voor mobiel nummer 06XXXXXXXX is geweiggerd.

Volgens jouw oude provider kan er op  dit moment geen nummerbehoud worden aangevraagd voor dit mobiel nummer.

Neem daarom contact op met je oude provider. Zodra je oude provider je nummer vrijgeeft, dien je een nieuwe aanvraag voor nummerbedoud te doen via mijn hollandsnieuwe.)) end of the quote.

Again, I ask you kindly to give me my phone number without resorting to legal methods.

I have done my patience, and since I am not the one who leaves his right, I have only legal means left.

Please let me know when you want to release my number.

Danke schoen



Beste antwoord door Joachiem

Dear Mackey,

Thank you for your information and I’m sorry to read that it’s been quite a hassle retrieving your phone number from us.

From here I don’t have acces to your data but if you send me a message through stating my name Joachiem from the community then I can look into your case and discover what’s possible.

Kind regards,


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  • 22 oktober 2019

Dear Mackey,

Thank you for your information and I’m sorry to read that it’s been quite a hassle retrieving your phone number from us.

From here I don’t have acces to your data but if you send me a message through stating my name Joachiem from the community then I can look into your case and discover what’s possible.

Kind regards,


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  • 3 reacties
  • 22 oktober 2019

Dear Joachiem thank you so much 📢

I have sent my request to everywhere and I am still continuing and I will send a copy to the United Nations Security Council🤔. Perhaps the concerned person will read my letter and take a decision before it is too late.

Have a great day.
